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Successful Blogging Techniques

Guide to Successful Blogging

Blogging has become a very broad and expansive part of the internet in our world today. Blogging can quite possibly be very marketable and also profitable for users whom are in the blogging industry and abroad. To profit from your blog site you must gain respect in your area of expertise or niche and from there grab the audiences attention and make sure you keep bringing the users back to read and comment on your content. Originality, Uniqueness and informative content is how you will achieve this. I will establish and present to you the most valuable ways I believe on how you can start becoming a successful blogger.

The Journey

Everyone participating in anything has to start somewhere, unfortunately in this industry you will undoubtedly start small and if you put time and effort into your blog you may become successful. Most small time bloggers will use free blog hosting services and this I think is a great platform for inexperienced bloggers and people whom are trying to get a feel of how the whole blog industry and system works. With an independent blog site you must have paid hosting, knowledge of scripts and plugins etc in order to provide a decent platform for your blog audience whereas here you can put your sole focus onto providing top quality content and all the back end technical stuff is covered. The main advantages of having a free blog hosting service is that if your blog does not become popular or successful you have not lost out. No costs incurred apart from the time you invested into writing the content.

Blogging for niche

Most bloggers today will target a niche, which is a specific product, service and or topics relating to keywords on the related items. Its important to choose a niche or target something which interests you so you can add personal experience and advice to your blogs content instead of writing about something that has no appeal to you whatsoever. Writing regularly is important in blogging and being able to have a niche which you are excited about makes this job a hell of a lot easier for you in the long term as you are not struggling for ideas as to what to write about. As long as the user audience is there for your niche you can write about it, blog about it and become a dominant force within your targeted niche. Remember you can blog and write about absolutely anything in the world, your daily life, work problems anything which can attract the attention of a following audience.


As stated above it is vital that your blogs content is updated very regularly, ideally you aim for a article, post daily. By doing so your blog becomes more appealing and interesting for your audience but in terms of SEO and search engines they love a fresh updating blog site. To have a successful blogging website post frequency and fresh content is imperative otherwise you will slip and your readers will not be coming back anytime soon. Setting aside time where you will focus work efforts on your blog do go along way and this will keep your readers in the loop of your niche and website thus returning traffic is high. If you do not make the effort your rankings will fall and traffic levels will take a steep dive for the worst.

Traffic and audience

To run and maintain a successful profitable blog you MUST have traffic and an audience that is willing to return to your blog on a regular occasion to keep up to date with your article content. With the internet growing rapidly getting noticed is becoming a harder and harder task day by day thus there are some options to boost yourself in terms of traffic. Advertising, Viral marketing, social bookmarking, twitter, search engine optimization etc all contribute to the levels of traffic your blog will receive. Submitting your blogs content to article directories is also a very big positive, the trick with article marketing is having the all important anchor links in the author biography part of the article. This creates backlinks for your blog. If your article is well written and unique and many people are linking to it or using it on their websites this is a huge bonus of article marketing. Links are coming from all over the web to your website if you have a successful written article on such directories and submission websites.

Keep track of visitors

Check your websites statistics on a frequent basis to analyze who is looking at what and how often, this is the simplest way to monitor your audience. Using tools like Google Webmasters and Google Analytics are very important for research purposes and how to optimize your website for better use and conversion. Keep track of what keywords are being searched and how users are finding your website on the internet by tracking what keywords are popular and getting the most search results you can now make the effort to target those particular keywords in a more rigorous fashion in order to increase your traffic and rankings. When writing blog titles make sure they are SEO friendly and highly keyword related so users can find your content easier.

The Personal Experience

Relating to your users on a personal level is highly important and being able to bring in real life experiences to your content is very valuable and provides the path where people can relate and interact with you and your blog a lot easier. Keep the interaction levels with your audience high creates a positive blogging environment and site which people will happily return to. If your readers are emailing you, I personally make the effort to reply to each email to engage on a ground level.

Money, Money, Money

I am a firm believer in patience when it comes to my internet blogging endeavors and once your blog has achieved a regular potential audience then you can begin the process of monetizing your blogging efforts. Turning your website traffic into a money maker. Google AdSense is the main advertising platform for bloggers this is called contextual advertising. AdSense is very powerful in the fact that the adverts shown to your audience are related to your keywords and content. Payouts for this system are in simple terms, pay per click. Ever legitimate click an advert receives you will be eligible to earn a % of the advertising cost. There are many more ways of monetization which are not discussed here, I will in the near future have a full write up on Blog monetization techniques and tips for my users so stay tuned if you are looking to earn big.

By following the advice above and applying it to your blogs and websites you will have the basic idea and platform where you can restructure your blog in order to maximize its effectiveness on the internet and the end goal is for you to be making a profitable blog which you enjoy running and maintaining. Again to make and run a successful blog it takes time and lots of effort its not an overnight job. There are no guarantees that your blog will become successful you can only do certain things to help improve those chances.

5 Tips to Blogging Successfully

For most small business owners in search of tips to blogging, it all starts when somebody says to them, “you have to start a blog.” Whether or not a blog is a necessity for every solo-entrepreneur or small business owner can be debated extensively. However, blogging is undeniably one of the most cost-effective methods you have at your disposal for reaching new customers, keeping in touch with clients, or for turning a prospect into a client. But for many, the entire concept of blogging is a mystery, another task on an endless business-owner’s “to-do” list, or at the very least: a huge drag.

But blogging doesn’t have to suck.
If you approach blogging the right way, it can be simple and extremely satisfying as a creative outlet for you and a lead-generating machine for your business. These 5 tips to blogging are designed to make blogging simple, fast, effective and fun! Plus, they will help you overcome the 2 biggest causes of blog fatigue: coming up with new ideas and finding the time to just put out a valuable blog post regularly.

Blog From the Heart.
This is one of the top tips to blogging that I can give you: follow your passion, in life AND in blogging. Ideally, your business is something you are passionate about. If your business is a yoga studio, your blog should be about yoga and topics of interest to yoga practitioners. The idea is to attract readers who are also interested in yoga and could become your clients. You know an incredible amount about this topic, and you feel a burning desire to share this information and educate your fellow humans. So far so good! All that’s left to do now is start sharing – one simple blog post at a time.

Sit down for 30 minutes with a blank piece of paper and just start brainstorming. You will be amazed by the number of potential blog topics you can come up with! Remember to keep it simple and don’t try to tell them everything in one blog post. Chop up your knowledge into bite-sized pieces and you will have more blog topics than you could write in a year. Plus, you will enjoy sharing your passion and eventually building a community of like-minded followers. This will go a long way in keeping you motivated on those days that you just don’t feel like writing.

Be Consistent.
If you pay attention to one tip for blogging, make it this one. New bloggers always ask me how often they should post a new blog on their website. The answer is that there is no one correct answer to this question. Some bloggers post every day. Others are extremely successful with a weekly blog. It really depends on your topic and your overall goals for your blog. The most important tip to blogging here is to set up a realistic schedule for yourself that you can stick to. In my opinion, consistency is more important than quantity when it comes to cranking out blog posts. Once you start building your audience, they will depend on regular communication from you and will lose interest when they don’t hear from you for a while. A regularly scheduled blog (even just once a week) is a great way to ensure that you are providing the right amount of valuable content to your audience, without driving yourself crazy.

Understand the Power of Keywords.
Although keywording is not a new tip to blogging, most people actually get this one wrong. Yet, understanding how keywords work, and using them correctly in your blog, can exponentially increase the reach, power and effectiveness of your blog. When keyworded correctly, each blog post is a tentacle, reaching out into cyber space and finding those who are searching for information about your topic. So for each blog post, you want to use a keyphrase for which people are searching and one that has as little “competition” as possible. There are lots of tools out there to help you with this. I like the Google Keyword Tool to see what phrase best matches my blog topic and has the greatest number of people searching. Then I just type my chosen phrase into Google (in quotes) to see how many responses come back (the competition). Although it could take several tries, eventually I come up with the perfect keyphrase that has a high search number, a low competition number and closely matches the topic I want to blog about. Once you’ve done this 50 times, you have quite a network of powerful tentacles (blog posts), drawing in your ideal customer with the valuable information they want.

Be Interactive.
This tip to blogging really captures a blog’s unique ability to create a conversation between you and your community of potential clients. This is because of the “Comments” field found at the end of every blog post, the place that a reader can post a comment or question to be read by you and the rest of the readers, for answering and for further comment. The multi-way conversation generated by a blog is a valuable tool and you should try to take full advantage of it. The easiest, but often overlooked, way to do this is to simply ask for feedback. Post a direct question at the end of a blog post that invites readers to share their own experiences or viewpoints. Although it sounds simple, this method really does work. Not only do increased blog comments increase the value of your blog content in the eyes of search engines (a productive pursuit in itself), but this interactivity with your community will make you happy and further your commitment to blogging. Have you ever written an article and wondered if anyone was out there? With blogging, you won’t have to wonder because your followers will make themselves known.

Re-purpose Content.
Of all the tips to blogging that I’ve ever given anyone, this one is my favorite. This tip makes blogging efficient and exploits a blog’s reach beyond the limits of your website, and it’s simple. The idea is to take an article you have already written and turn it into a blog post or to take a blog post and turn it into an article. The key is distribution. The more places your content shows up, the more it will be seen and the bigger your reach becomes. Plus, if you already have some existing newsletter articles or published print articles, these will easily translate to blog posts, which could potentially keep you in new posts for weeks or months. No more worrying about coming up with new ideas when you’ve got a whole list waiting to be written.

SBA Commercial Loans Are Still Viable!

As the credit crisis looms and our media continues to bring us more and more bad news, I want to tell you first hand that SBA commercial loans are still closing! Borrowers call us now with an attitude of “I realize you can’t get it done, but just thought I’d call.” Nonsense, we are still closing commercial loans and with some aggressive terms like 90% financing.

If you own or are considering buying a building for your business (meaning you’ll occupy it and not rent it out) than you have more options than you may realize. SBA Loans and Business and Industry loans top the lists. Both are government backed programs and both are still very much viable.

In fact, the government set these programs up, for the specific purpose of helping out borrowers that are having a difficult time getting convention loans. Also Uncle Sam set these programs up to help banks as well, by guaranteeing the loan balances in case of borrower default.

One of the major benefits for the SBA loans is the high level of financing. For example 90% loan to value financing is still very much an option for SBA commercial loans for purchases. 85% loan to value on refinances is still an option as well.

There are other benefits as well. For example, flexible (relative) underwriting standards. Keep in mind that the SBA does not dictate most of the rules. The funding bank does. So the key here is knowing which banks are really closing loans through the SBA. And what their individual guidelines are. For example we work with an SBA lender that works with borrowers that have 500 credit scores. We also work with a bank that offers 5 year fixed, ZERO $0 SBA fee loan.

If you call on 3 or so local banks and they all say no or drag their feet that doesn’t mean anything. Again you’ve got to know who the best sources are. Another major benefit of the SBA commercial loans is that they can work with borrowers that are currently under water. I.e. meaning that they don’t currently cash flow. Basically they are able to use projections to offset the current loses. I can’t tell you how big of a point that is.

I say turn off the TV and put the paper down. Don’t just assume you won’t be able to get your commercial loan done. You may be surprised that not only will it fund but that you may have better terms than you expected.